Aren't they sweet? My lovely neighbor was in a pickle - one I am familiar with, by the way - of not having a decent photo for the Christmas card. So, we scheduled a quick, after-school shoot -- there's about 43 minutes of usable daylight afterschool during this time of year -- and came up with a few decent options. This one is my favorite.
Wonderful again! You relate with the young people and they look so natural and beautiful. Are you going into the business?
I finally have figured it out. Your studio is the upstairs of the barn. Right? Great idea!
And you'll do kids and dogs as your specialty? I'm bringing my bichon when I head your direction. The light from the windows was the clue.
Joyce, you may be onto something there....! ;)
Shhh! I won't tell.
Just beautiful, Christine. This is a card your friends and family will smile over when they receive it!
Is it true?? You are opening a studio in your barn???
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