I'm sorry -- I have more than a week of catching up on posts to do. But, I have a good excuse -- we have been on vacation! It's been the sort of epic family adventure that includes national parks, extreme sports, chuckwagon suppers, wild animal encounters, planes, trains, automobiles... and spotty internet connections.
There was so much to see and do, I don't think I could ever do it justice in photos. I took lots of snapshots, but left my tripod and heavy lenses at home. I wanted to travel light, and keep this a family vacation instead of a photo safari. So, without further ado... our family vacation photo album....
On our first day, we arrived in Mesa Verde, in Colorado. If you look closely, you can see the lodge at the top of the Mesa, where we spent the night. The views are expansive, and the air is thin way up there (about 8000 feet). Exhausted from traveling and acclimating to the altitude, we turned in early, so we'd be ready to start early the next day.
I missed you, Wally
Wally wasn't the only one who missed you (very big grin!) I look forward to seeing the other vacay photos and am especially interested in hearing all about how the biking went!
You're back!!! 8-)
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