There's a special brand of obsessive-compulsive disorder reserved for Border Collies. Hannah, my parents' amazing dog, has a textbook case. If she's not chasing the ball, she's in this familiar pose, watching intently, waiting for you to throw or kick it again. And again. And again....
awwww! Wonderful shot of Hannah and that eager look in her eyes, so cute waiting for the ball to move. :-))
We have a neighborhood border collie that we LOVE. We have somewhat adopted her (she barks at the door to be let in, she has her own bowl here as well as treats). She is also a ball fiend. She steals balls from our garage if we don't watch out. She is getting older - 13 from what I hear from the neighbors - but she still will run and run after the ball. She was our first new friend in the neighborhood. =)
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