Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It Flies!

Mr. CM and his partner-in-crime have been working on this project for six years now. Building a plane - a real one, that carries passengers and everything - takes time, especially when the builders have other responsibilities, like jobs. And families. But, it has been so long in finishing, that even our intrepid pilots were growing tired of fielding questions about its progress...

So, they are very happy to report that the first flight was a soaring success! Of course, we had every confidence that it would be, but it was still a thrill to watch as it took off - and landed - with grace and ease.

I've featured this plane a couple of times in the past, here and here. But today's photos come courtesy of a guest photog, Mr. CM himself. He flew alongside in another plane while his partner piloted the maiden voyage.


Mr. CM said...


Looks like I was few months late, but if you are ever in the area, your are still invited for a ride.

Mr. CM

Ruprecht said...

Mr. CM:

Rupe is hat racking his asshat and stepping back, full-statured, to do this:

*applauds loudly ... longly*

Congratulations on the feat. It's not a small one .... and you guys should be proud.

If Rupe ever does make it out there, he would be privileged and consider it an honor to take a spin.

Go, Dog, Go .....

Joyce said...

When you're able, I hope to see great pictures from the air. Congrats to the determined, tenacious, relentless builders. A 6 year pregnancy, sort of.

Carol said...

Holy moley!!!!!!! Mr CM......you are amazing!!!! I am quite impressed with this project. Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Woohoo! That is some accomplishment! Envious, indeed!

Stephanie said...

Wow, how cool is that! Congrats on finishing the project!