Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday Morning With Wally

It was slow going this morning.
She wasn't feeling so hot, and ended up staying home from school. Wally agreed it was for the best...


amy said...

Awww that's really sweet :)

Ruprecht said...

Rupe believes Wally and Bob The Dog would get along swimmingly .....

Attie's Mom said...

Another great Wally pic. Hope she is feeling better soon.

Kristin said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed your pictures and you are a wonderful photographer.

Thank you for sharing you life in pictures. I'm glad you are back. The photo of your daughter and Wally is awesome! What a beautiful picture.

My husband, Joel (who works with your husband or shall I say Mr. CM) told me about your site and it has been a lot of fun for me to see your pictures. I too am a homemaker and it inspires me to find my passion and enjoy the life being carved out before me. Thank you for your photos.

Just another fan,

Ms Mgt said...

They snuggle like this all the time. :)

Rupe, I think you are right, as long as actual swimming isn't involved. Wally doesn't like to get wet. He's funny that way...

Kristin, thank you -- it's great to hear from you! I'm glad you de-lurked! :)

Carol said...

I love this shot. Wally looks like the best pillow in the world. :-) I hope your daughter is feeling better today.
Tomorrow is my big one of 365. I'm so excited!!

Milkayphoto said...

So sorry your girl wasn't feeling well, but damn, what a fantastic photo!

Ms Mgt said...

Thanks Carol and Tracy!
Good thing kids bounce back pretty quickly, she's doing much better today. :)

Nora said...

Rockin photo. Poor kid is sick too often! Germy elementary schools...

prodguy said...

Great shot!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this...what great subjects! so sweet. I'll be back to visit.