
It's hard not to feel like a dummy when you lock your keys in the car. You feel even worse when you realize the second set of keys has gone missing... Making it necessary to arrange for your car to be broken into with a coat hanger. Good thing Mr. CM's got skills...
That's what living in Detroit does for you . . .
Ha! I don't usually lock my keys in the car, but I am notorious for locking myself out of the house! Hmmm, do we even want to know how Mr. CM attained such a skill?? :-)
Love the reflection with the coat hanger wire. It almost looks as though it is illuminated. Glad to hear that CM has the skill in getting the door open to retrieve the key!
That Mr. CM has so many useful skills!!!
*Doh!* dan locked us out of the house and the car at the same time a few weeks back on one chilly morning. We stood in the driveway with the baby for about 20 minutes until my mom came and rescued us with the spare key. Good job to mr. Cm, we weren't that resourceful
I locked my keys in my car last year, and the tow driver had the door open in less than 30 seconds. It's scary how fast a pro can get in your car.
They teach him that in the Air Force?
how about locking your keys in the trunk and having to call AAA to have the get the car unlocked only to realize after successful opening and trunk review that the keys were indeed not in the trunk but in the pocket of the jacket that is inside the house.
not that i would know anything about that.
Ha! Look like we've touched a nerve here... seems like many of you have had similar trials, so I don't feel so bad anymore.
As to Mr CM's skills... yes, he learned them growing up outside of Detroit... But, I watched him, and I think anyone could learn how to break into a car with a coat hanger, with just a little patience. Look it up on the google, and you could have skills, too...!
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