Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sick Day

Have you ever met a "blankie bear"? It's a small, soft blanket with satiny binding, with the head of a bear attached in the center. He has been her comfort ever since she was a little baby, and she named him "Beeda" just as soon as she could put the sounds together. The idea of going to sleep without Beeda was a non-starter for many years. At times like this, he still soothes. Especially when you get his folds arranged perfectly, so the smoothest, softest part of his worn-in blankie touches your face just right...


Anonymous said...

So cute! Brennan has his!

tracymom said...

Is this Maja? Henry is home today with a fever....and bill is in richmond this week. oh well, didn't want to go to the office either!!

Samantha White said...

so sweet. beeda is there at all the right moments!

Milkayphoto said...

Awww, so sweet! Sending well wishes for a speedy recovery!

Indian Girls in Killeen said...

I love how comforting familiar objects can be.