Today's post is brought to you by the letter "C"...
As a member of the first generation of kids to learn their letters from Sesame Street, I knew I wanted to recognize today's very special anniversary. (In case you haven't heard, Sesame Street turned 40!) But digging up some Sesame St. swag around here was more difficult than I anticipated. I couldn't even find a rubber duck! It used to be, you couldn't walk through the house without tripping over Elmo and Big Bird, or stubbing your toe on a Cookie Monster board book.
I explained my predicament to my youngest. By virtue of birth order, she is probably less familiar with the canon than her siblings -- by the time she came around, they were controlling the remote -- but she knew just what I needed, and where to find it. This set of flashcards was clearly the victim of a random act of arts & crafts, but what a perfect find!
"CM" -- with a camera.
too funny. I also posted a camera themed Sesame Street photo today!
Great minds and all that jazz.
I love the photo! I was 11 when Sesame Street first came on tv! My favorite character is Elmo.
Let me know if you want to come over for a sesame street fix. The girls were just playing with the "neighbors", as they call them, the other day. No doubt, someone will be getting his very own Elmo for Christmas.
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