Passengers, please fasten your seatbelts... Well, as soon as they are installed, that is.
It's a kit plane, and it has been a work in progress for a while now. To be fair, it is slightly more complex than the kind of kit you might get at Hobbytown. And if you have a day job, like the partners in this project do... you get the idea.
I'm told it's "almost finished."
Will it fly before these 365 days are up? Stay tuned...
Rupe will not be holding his breath .....
This was a familiar site to me before we moved to Richmond. We lived in a small neighborhood in Texas with a grass airstrip. Nearly every resident had a hanger with an airplane in it and most were made from a kit like yours. Great shot!
OK Rupe, I've been trying to come up with something witty in response. After almost a week, I still have nothing, so this is it . . . On day 364 you are invited for a ride. We depart at noon from airport GHG. I'll be going, with or without you.
Yeah mom. And they finished in July
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