Skeletons, pirates, ghosts, princesses, Nascar drivers, doctors, zombies, rock stars, Wizard of Oz characters, Indiana Joneses, flower children, go-go dancers, vampires, football players, baseball players, hockey players, fairies, witches, cats, dogs, bunnies, giraffes, gypsies, Super Marios, Harry Potters, swamp things, flappers, Spidermen, geishas, poodle-skirted 50's girls, Batmen, police officers, mimes, devils, cowboys, wizards, ninjas, X-men, rappers, Jokers, Pippi Longstocking, mermaids, leprechauns, Alice in Wonderland, Robin, sumo wrestlers, various Munsters, bumblebees and an ipod were all in attendance at the school Halloween party...
That's a lot of monsters all in one place. Looks like fun!
I see "zombies" and "rock stars." Any chance there was a "zombie rock star?"
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