All afternoon, the girls were abuzz, implementing their plan to "camp out" in the backyard. First, they convinced their brother to pitch the tent. Then they rolled out sleeping bags, and packed up their toothbrushes, several books, flashlights, the game SORRY, and their pillows. A neighborhood friend was invited for a sleepover. We made s'mores, natch.
Darkness fell, and we issued the "lights out" order. From the couch near the open door, we could hear their excited voices, giggling. We grinned, knowing this to be part of the drill.
Forty-five minutes later, they returned to the house with pillows & flashlights, having spooked each other by talking about neighborhood raccoons and bats and other suburban wildlife. We shrugged, and the happy campers took off for their new site in the girls' bedroom.
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